Tuesday 1 May 2007

Some possible answers to human relationship questions

Describe Christian beliefs about divorce:
Possible answers might include: different christian views; mention that divorce is never encouraged by christians, but some accept it is sometimes inevitable; might mention that some christians that marriage cannot be broken because it is a union made before God and blessed by God and can only be broken by death; might comment on Jesus permitting divorce on the grounds of adultery

Explain how a Christian marriage service might help a couple in their married life:
Possible answers might include: emphasis on marriage for life, on faithfulness and marriage blessed by God; might also discuss the expectation of the couple to have children as one of the purposes of marriage

Explain the importance of the vows made at a marriage service:
Possible answers might include: the significance of vows being made before God, how the vows emphasise faithfulness, support, love and how they might help the couple in the future, how the vows don't permit divorce ('until death do us part')

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