Wednesday, 4 April 2007

christian responses to social injustice

social injustice is the term given to any occasion when members or groups of a society are given fewer rights and privileges than others. Where they are treated unfairly. This could be the treatment of ethnic minorities and immigrants, prisoners and especially those unjustly imprisoned, people with learning difficulties or the physically disabled, etc.

Christians believe all people are equally valuable to God (every person is made in the 'image of God'). Christians believe they should try and make the world a fairer place. The Bible teaches that is wrong to mistreat the ‘poor’ and the ‘weak’. Some Christians are part of a movement called 'liberation theology'. Liberation theology says that God wants to liberate or set free people from oppression and injustice and Christians should take action to help this happen. Liberation theology says you can't read the Bible without seeing that God is on the side of the poor and down-trodden. God wants the world to be a place where people are treated equally and fairly.

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