Wednesday, 14 March 2007

How to answer part (c) questions

Part (c) questions always have a statement and then ask
Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer and how that you have thought about more than one point of view. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. (5 marks)
How to structure your answer to achieve 4 or 5 marks:
Some people will agree that ... because ...

Other people will agree that ... because ...

In my opinion I think that ... because ...
In either the 'some people' or 'other people' you need to think whether a Christian would agree or disagree.

Some example answers:

Some Christians, like Quakers, would agree that it is never right to fight in a war because they believe violence is never acceptable. They believe that Jesus taught Christians to be peacemakers and to love their enemies. Other Christians would disagree and say that there are times when the only option is to fight in a war. For example to overcome evil or to protect the weak. In my opinion I think that war is sometimes a necessary evil, which we should always try and avoid, but sometimes we are left with no other choice. For example in World War II, Britain and other allies had little other choice but to resist the evil of Hitler and Nazi Germany.
Most Christians would disagree with this statement because they would argue that God made us in his image. Christians believe God is good and if we are made in his image, we should also be good. Some Christians might believe that if they are good in this life, they will be rewarded after death in heaven. Other people might agree with this statement because they would argue that life is all about being happy and its impossible to be good all the time. They would say that we should do whatever makes us happy and as long as it doesn't make other people unhappy. In my opinion I think that we should try be both happy and good. The good thing to do is try and make other people happy and by doing this I think we will be happy ourselves.

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